Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One Last Thing . . .

Wow -- so much to say, but I will try to be concise. My favorite discoveries were:
  • Image creators -- I had so much fun with those. Can't wait to introduce my friends to it!
  • Learning about "readers" and subscribing to several RSS feeds. Right now most of them are purely recreational, but I plan to subscribe to more educational ones as I discover things at work I want more info on.
  • Finding the educational advantages of YouTube. I've already embedded a couple of videos onto my Facebook profile. I also sent some to one of the science teachers at my school who loved them! It gave him a link to yet another website for more ideas.
  • Google Docs -- as much trouble as I had trying to create my ideal calender ;-), I eventually figured out a way to do it and am still revising and tweeking it. I think it will be a great organizational tool for my school come August.
I think just about everything from this program was an unexpected outcome. Really, the only thing I knew about of all the Things was MySpace and Facebook. There is so much out there that i knew nothing about. It makes me wonder how much/little my colleagues know, and how much more we could be doing with our students.

I would definitely participate in another course like this. I hope one comes available. I will keep an eye out for it.

I would like to say one final Thank-you to all of you who put this course together and helped us along the way. I greatly appreciate this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how much you learn in this course. I consider myself pretty technology savvy, and I learned so much when I took it. In addition, I have learned and relearned even more reading y'alls posts!
