Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing #5

Write a reflective blog post telling about an item of interest from your reader.

The most interesting thing about my blogger is not really what's in it -- it's that it exists. The more 'Things' I do, the more I realize how technically informed I am NOT. I had never heard of "RSS" or "Readers" before this assignment. I suppose I can attribute that to the fact that I wasn't a blogger. The more I read about "Readers", though, the more I realized it was much simpler than I had at first realized. I liken it to setting the content on my homepage, or setting low airfare alerts on your favorite travel website. With the reader, you're just subscribing to your favorite blogs.

I must confess that I skimmed the 3 educational subscriptions that we were assigned to subscribe to, but the subscription I found most interesting was the one I found on the New York Times: "The Frugal Traveler". I clicked on the link for The Frugal Traveler in Paris ( ), wherein the author, Matt Gross "seeks out high style on a low budget", this particular week in Paris. Readers can follow him, and those that have been to whatever place he's traveling to can offer advice and suggestions for getting the most for his money. As an admittedly frugal person, I find this sight and the suggestions fascinating. If I make it to Paris in the near future, you can guarantee I'll be looking at his blog!


  1. Hi Shannon! I was so surprised to see your comment on my blog. I hope things are well with you. This course is so mind opening. I didn't know what i was missing until I started doing the "Things". I love cool stuff and there are so many places to click you can be on for hours. What are some of the blogs you put into your reader?

  2. See "Thing #6". I apologize that the links aren't "clickable". I'm still working on that :-).
